Author Archives: shukitty

About shukitty

I am a graphic and web designer by day and a crafter of all trades by night. I like drawing, painting, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, cross stitch, sewing, scrapbooking etc. If it will make a mess, I've probably done it.

Day 28: Facial Expressions

Drew some facial expressions, because they are hard. I feel like I should have gone out with more of a bang, but oh well. It’s a Thursday.

Day 28: Facial Expressions

Drew some facial expressions, because they are hard. I feel like I should have gone out with more of a bang, but oh well. It’s a Thursday.

Day 27: Bears!

When in doubt, draw more bears.

Day 27: Bears!

When in doubt, draw more bears.

Day 26: Cat toy

Moxie keeps trying to eat my monsters that I make, so I made her her own toy out of some cheap yarn. It’s stuffed with pollyfill and catnip. She seems to like it well enough, although I doubt it’ll stop

Day 26: Cat toy

Moxie keeps trying to eat my monsters that I make, so I made her her own toy out of some cheap yarn. It’s stuffed with pollyfill and catnip. She seems to like it well enough, although I doubt it’ll stop

Day 24-25: Flowers and flowers

I feel kind of boring posting the same thing over and over, but I need a lot of the flowers and now is a good time to make them.

Day 24-25: Flowers and flowers

I feel kind of boring posting the same thing over and over, but I need a lot of the flowers and now is a good time to make them.

Day 23: More Flowers

Slow day, just made some more flowers.

Day 23: More Flowers

Slow day, just made some more flowers.

Day 22: Moxie Drawing

Quick charcoal sketch of my cat from an old photo. She’d gotten inside a packing envelope, and the look on her face is pretty priceless. Distinctly a “Mommy, don’t ship me to Antartica, I promise I’ll stay off the table!”

Day 22: Moxie Drawing

Quick charcoal sketch of my cat from an old photo. She’d gotten inside a packing envelope, and the look on her face is pretty priceless. Distinctly a “Mommy, don’t ship me to Antartica, I promise I’ll stay off the table!”

Day 21: More doodles

Even though it was craft group night, still wasn’t feeling it. Sucky February.

Day 21: More doodles

Even though it was craft group night, still wasn’t feeling it. Sucky February.

Day 20: Doodle

Wasn’t really feeling it so just did a quick doodle today. This is Gizmo the engineer bear with her little bear bot.

Day 20: Doodle

Wasn’t really feeling it so just did a quick doodle today. This is Gizmo the engineer bear with her little bear bot.

Day 19: Giving Bunny

Finished my giving bunny for the bunny giving project. Not sure where I’ll leave him. He’s a little lopsided but hopefully it’d still make someone’s day.

Day 19: Giving Bunny

Finished my giving bunny for the bunny giving project. Not sure where I’ll leave him. He’s a little lopsided but hopefully it’d still make someone’s day.

Day 18: Chocolate Banana Muffins

Had a couple of bananas in the “brown and squishy” state, which means baking time. I only had two left though, so the muffins are slightly less banana-ish than usual. But still pretty tasty. For those interested, recipe is here

Day 18: Chocolate Banana Muffins

Had a couple of bananas in the “brown and squishy” state, which means baking time. I only had two left though, so the muffins are slightly less banana-ish than usual. But still pretty tasty. For those interested, recipe is here

Day 17: Pokey day

I had trouble accomplishing much today, all I wanted to do was nap and read. I did manage a very cold run. I worked a bit more on the web design, and started a bunny for the bunny giving project.

Day 17: Pokey day

I had trouble accomplishing much today, all I wanted to do was nap and read. I did manage a very cold run. I worked a bit more on the web design, and started a bunny for the bunny giving project.

Day 16: Website design

I started designing a website for my wedding DJ. However since it’s not anywhere close to live yet, and he hasn’t seen what I’m working on even, I don’t feel comfortable posting any images of it. Oh well, I’ll have

Day 16: Website design

I started designing a website for my wedding DJ. However since it’s not anywhere close to live yet, and he hasn’t seen what I’m working on even, I don’t feel comfortable posting any images of it. Oh well, I’ll have

Day 15: Monster

Finished the little crochet monster I started the other night.

Day 15: Monster

Finished the little crochet monster I started the other night.

Day 14: Valentine Brownies!

Made brownies for my fiancee! Haven’t tried them yet, hope they are good. Recipe is here I used Darla’s original recipe, not the fancy one.

Day 14: Valentine Brownies!

Made brownies for my fiancee! Haven’t tried them yet, hope they are good. Recipe is here I used Darla’s original recipe, not the fancy one.

Day 13: project starts

I started planning out a website for some freelancing, and I started a little crochet monster. Nothing really to photograph though. The website is for a client so I don’t feel comfortable posting anything. The monster is just a little

Day 13: project starts

I started planning out a website for some freelancing, and I started a little crochet monster. Nothing really to photograph though. The website is for a client so I don’t feel comfortable posting anything. The monster is just a little

Day 12: More flowers

Busy day today, so didn’t have a ton of time for making stuff. So just made another small pile of flowers. Going to try to do something else tomorrow, just for a change of pace.

Day 12: More flowers

Busy day today, so didn’t have a ton of time for making stuff. So just made another small pile of flowers. Going to try to do something else tomorrow, just for a change of pace.

Day 11: Flowers again

Flowers again, another 10 down. About half way done I think. Might do something else tomorrow just to change it up a bit.

Day 11: Flowers again

Flowers again, another 10 down. About half way done I think. Might do something else tomorrow just to change it up a bit.

Day 10: More Paper Flowers

Had a busy day of shopping and socializing, so just made a few more flowers.

Day 10: More Paper Flowers

Had a busy day of shopping and socializing, so just made a few more flowers.

Day 9: Paper Flowers

Had my M.O.H. over tonight to watch movies and make paper flowers with me. Got a fair amount done. I think it’ll go faster in the future if I get more glue for my glue gun. Spent a lot of

Day 9: Paper Flowers

Had my M.O.H. over tonight to watch movies and make paper flowers with me. Got a fair amount done. I think it’ll go faster in the future if I get more glue for my glue gun. Spent a lot of

Day 8: Test Paper Flowers

Testing out a pattern for paper flowers. Thinking about doing a little three flower arrangement attached to some ribbon for pew decorations. Didn’t want to potentially waste my good paper, if I messed up so I just made these using

Day 8: Test Paper Flowers

Testing out a pattern for paper flowers. Thinking about doing a little three flower arrangement attached to some ribbon for pew decorations. Didn’t want to potentially waste my good paper, if I messed up so I just made these using

Day 7: Hands and Hair

More drawing study. Hands playing with hair. Hands are even harder than feet. They do more, so have to be drawn in all sorts of weird angles and contortions…like when playing with hair.

Day 7: Hands and Hair

More drawing study. Hands playing with hair. Hands are even harder than feet. They do more, so have to be drawn in all sorts of weird angles and contortions…like when playing with hair.

Day 6: Drawing of feet

Been wanting to draw more, I haven’t really been feeling it lately. Couldn’t think what to draw, so I got out the art anatomy and decided to draw feet, since I’m terrible at them. I think these turned out ok,

Day 6: Drawing of feet

Been wanting to draw more, I haven’t really been feeling it lately. Couldn’t think what to draw, so I got out the art anatomy and decided to draw feet, since I’m terrible at them. I think these turned out ok,

Day 5: Kitty Sketch

Drew some sketches of my kitten Moxie. This was the most complete, seeing as she was moving slightly less. There’s a few pages of half sketches from when she kept moving every two minutes or so, but I didn’t take

Day 5: Kitty Sketch

Drew some sketches of my kitten Moxie. This was the most complete, seeing as she was moving slightly less. There’s a few pages of half sketches from when she kept moving every two minutes or so, but I didn’t take

Day 4: Origami Bear

Another origami attempt. This one a little more successful, although rather crumpled. Will probably try the pattern again, see if I can’t get it better.

Day 4: Origami Bear

Another origami attempt. This one a little more successful, although rather crumpled. Will probably try the pattern again, see if I can’t get it better.

Day 3: Failed Origami

I tried to make a complicated flower in origami. Tried two different versions of a similar design, neither one came out. The instructions I have are in japanese, and whatever they say must be critical because I simply can not

Day 3: Failed Origami

I tried to make a complicated flower in origami. Tried two different versions of a similar design, neither one came out. The instructions I have are in japanese, and whatever they say must be critical because I simply can not

Day 2: Finished gloves

Finished up my gloves. I got some supplies today, so hopefully tomorrow will start on making some wedding decorations.

Day 2: Finished gloves

Finished up my gloves. I got some supplies today, so hopefully tomorrow will start on making some wedding decorations.

Day 1: Fingerless gloves…again?

I feel like I’m getting this year off to a weird start by doing…fingerless gloves. Again. But this time they are for me, and not for a gift. February snuck up on me this year, I’d planned on doing something

Day 1: Fingerless gloves…again?

I feel like I’m getting this year off to a weird start by doing…fingerless gloves. Again. But this time they are for me, and not for a gift. February snuck up on me this year, I’d planned on doing something

Day 28: Mini Painting

I worked on the shading of the horse today, deepening the shadows, adding some highlights and trying to add a bluish tinge to the metal. Still needs work though.

Day 28: Mini Painting

I worked on the shading of the horse today, deepening the shadows, adding some highlights and trying to add a bluish tinge to the metal. Still needs work though.

Days 26 & 27: Cross stitch, mini painting, shelf building

Been pretty busy yesterday and today. Didn’t have time to post last night. Yesterday and today I built two huge bookcases from Ikea. Last night I did some work on my mini, adding a few wash coats and started some

Days 26 & 27: Cross stitch, mini painting, shelf building

Been pretty busy yesterday and today. Didn’t have time to post last night. Yesterday and today I built two huge bookcases from Ikea. Last night I did some work on my mini, adding a few wash coats and started some

Day 24: Cross Stitch

Been in kind of a funk today. So just sat back and cross stitched a while. Will get back to my mini painting tomorrow.

Day 24: Cross Stitch

Been in kind of a funk today. So just sat back and cross stitched a while. Will get back to my mini painting tomorrow.

Day 23: Mini Painting and Cross Stitch

Did more cross stitch as usual, and started base coating my mini for the Iron Painter competition. Got kind of tired partway through, which is why it looks all splotchy. Wasn’t really having a crafty sort of night.

Day 23: Mini Painting and Cross Stitch

Did more cross stitch as usual, and started base coating my mini for the Iron Painter competition. Got kind of tired partway through, which is why it looks all splotchy. Wasn’t really having a crafty sort of night.

Day 21 and 22: Cross stitch and Mini Priming

Went to a show last night so didn’t have time to post. Yesterday I only had enough time to do a half hour or so of cross stitching. Today I did another couple hours of cross stitching, as well as

Day 21 and 22: Cross stitch and Mini Priming

Went to a show last night so didn’t have time to post. Yesterday I only had enough time to do a half hour or so of cross stitching. Today I did another couple hours of cross stitching, as well as

Day 20: Cross Stitch Again

More cross stitch. Need a yarn break, and didn’t feel like doing an outright sewing project. So plugging away on this, and making decent progress (for me). Filed in the area behind the wolf’s ear. It’s a big cross stitch

Day 20: Cross Stitch Again

More cross stitch. Need a yarn break, and didn’t feel like doing an outright sewing project. So plugging away on this, and making decent progress (for me). Filed in the area behind the wolf’s ear. It’s a big cross stitch

Days 18 & 19: Cross Sitch

Worked on my cross stitch all weekend. I didn’t actually turn my computer on yesterday so didn’t get around to posting an image. Unfortunately, cross stitch is one of those crafts that takes a long time to really see much

Days 18 & 19: Cross Sitch

Worked on my cross stitch all weekend. I didn’t actually turn my computer on yesterday so didn’t get around to posting an image. Unfortunately, cross stitch is one of those crafts that takes a long time to really see much

Day 17: Fingerless Gloves FINISHED!

They are FINISHED! Yayyy! Now I can do things that are not gloves the rest of thing-a-day woo!

Day 17: Fingerless Gloves FINISHED!

They are FINISHED! Yayyy! Now I can do things that are not gloves the rest of thing-a-day woo!

Day 16: tired of gloves yet?

If you’re not tired of them yet, I sure am. This is pair seven, and I think I need to not knit things for a while. Maybe I’ll crochet instead, or go back to my cross stitch. Maybe do some

Day 16: tired of gloves yet?

If you’re not tired of them yet, I sure am. This is pair seven, and I think I need to not knit things for a while. Maybe I’ll crochet instead, or go back to my cross stitch. Maybe do some

Day 15: More gloves

This is an old picture, but I’m about here on glove two so close enough. Didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped, but I did knit for at least an hour. Would be farther but dropped a bunch of

Day 15: More gloves

This is an old picture, but I’m about here on glove two so close enough. Didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped, but I did knit for at least an hour. Would be farther but dropped a bunch of

Day 14: Chocolate Chip Cookies

I made some chocolate chip cookies for my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day. They are pretty delish. I also knit, but considering the last several days have been pics of my gloves, I figured the cookies are a more interesting photo.

Day 14: Chocolate Chip Cookies

I made some chocolate chip cookies for my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day. They are pretty delish. I also knit, but considering the last several days have been pics of my gloves, I figured the cookies are a more interesting photo.

Day 13: Fingerless Gloves (yes. again)

I finished one glove, and started the next. Hoping to have them done by Thursday so I can deliver them to recipient. Then I will go back to doing various things and not just knitting.

Day 13: Fingerless Gloves (yes. again)

I finished one glove, and started the next. Hoping to have them done by Thursday so I can deliver them to recipient. Then I will go back to doing various things and not just knitting.

Day 12: Fingerless Gloves (continued)

Another day of fingerless gloves, got up through the thumb gusset today. Hands are hurting from the amount of knitting, but I want to get them done. Just have to continue up to the fingers, then I can go on

Day 12: Fingerless Gloves (continued)

Another day of fingerless gloves, got up through the thumb gusset today. Hands are hurting from the amount of knitting, but I want to get them done. Just have to continue up to the fingers, then I can go on