Author Archives: pmarashi

About pmarashi

Swirl Inventory

Thing a day is wonderful! See what emerged in the last seven days!

Swirl Inventory

Thing a day is wonderful! See what emerged in the last seven days!

Bhagavad Gita Text and Drawing

                                  I got this text from Ranchor Prime’s version of the Bhagavad Gita. Such a great book. Fully inspired. This piece is not entirely

Bhagavad Gita Text and Drawing

                                  I got this text from Ranchor Prime’s version of the Bhagavad Gita. Such a great book. Fully inspired. This piece is not entirely

Peace, Hello, Shalom, Salam! Thing-a-day, Day 1!

Did you know that Shalom (hebrew) means Hello, and Peace!? And in Arabic (and Farsi) Salam means Peace and Hello? And the sound AAAAAAAAAAAAAA is a lovely sound. So is the sound of Ommmmmmm. Both sounds are in SHALOM. Aaaa

Peace, Hello, Shalom, Salam! Thing-a-day, Day 1!

Did you know that Shalom (hebrew) means Hello, and Peace!? And in Arabic (and Farsi) Salam means Peace and Hello? And the sound AAAAAAAAAAAAAA is a lovely sound. So is the sound of Ommmmmmm. Both sounds are in SHALOM. Aaaa