Author Archives: caitlinadams

About caitlinadams

artist, seamstress, designer, editor, writer, runner

16: 20 items in my shop

My camera, Picasa and I have been mighty close today. I think this has to be today’s thing–since I have time for nothing else. My young Etsy shop now has 20 items in it. Phew! 

16: 20 items in my shop

My camera, Picasa and I have been mighty close today. I think this has to be today’s thing–since I have time for nothing else. My young Etsy shop now has 20 items in it. Phew! 

15: restoration of triptych

My mother built, painted and collaged this triptych in the 1970s. It was very dusty, and some of the collage was coming off. All the pieces are brittle–except the plastic drawer liner she used for the sky on the left

15: restoration of triptych

My mother built, painted and collaged this triptych in the 1970s. It was very dusty, and some of the collage was coming off. All the pieces are brittle–except the plastic drawer liner she used for the sky on the left

14: “germania” PJ pants

A while back, I bought fabric designed my Jay McCarroll, from his Germania collection. My husband is a science teacher and asked me, also a while back, if I would make him PJ pants from the soft cotton print. Today,

14: “germania” PJ pants

A while back, I bought fabric designed my Jay McCarroll, from his Germania collection. My husband is a science teacher and asked me, also a while back, if I would make him PJ pants from the soft cotton print. Today,

13: bird dress

The bird dress is now looking like a dress–unfinished, but the seams are sewn. I may end up shortening it.

13: bird dress

The bird dress is now looking like a dress–unfinished, but the seams are sewn. I may end up shortening it.

12: Sharpie tie-dye shirts

I helped my sons create Sharpie tie-dye shirts today. Here is Asher’s: I followed these steps: (I owe things 10 and 11–after the weekend. I promise.)

12: Sharpie tie-dye shirts

I helped my sons create Sharpie tie-dye shirts today. Here is Asher’s: I followed these steps: (I owe things 10 and 11–after the weekend. I promise.)

9: photo of a blue leather coat

I employed Picasa to crop and edit this photo of my mother and me in NYC in 1974 or so. This is the leather coat I want. I have looked on Etsy and Ebay–nothing yet is an exact match. Isn’t

9: photo of a blue leather coat

I employed Picasa to crop and edit this photo of my mother and me in NYC in 1974 or so. This is the leather coat I want. I have looked on Etsy and Ebay–nothing yet is an exact match. Isn’t

8: prepping room for painting

I am going to claim that prepping my living room for painting is my thing number eight. Unless you’d really like to see my artfully folded piles of laundry… That’s as crafty as I am getting today.

8: prepping room for painting

I am going to claim that prepping my living room for painting is my thing number eight. Unless you’d really like to see my artfully folded piles of laundry… That’s as crafty as I am getting today.

7: lining for flatware box

I bought an old wooden box at the local thirft store for 99 cents on Monday. It looked like a flatware or silverware box, but it was dirty and unlined. I cleaned it up, and lined in in blue felt.

7: lining for flatware box

I bought an old wooden box at the local thirft store for 99 cents on Monday. It looked like a flatware or silverware box, but it was dirty and unlined. I cleaned it up, and lined in in blue felt.

6: hat head (she needs a name)

I finished hat head today, with a lot of help from my young sons. She is all sealed now and ready to model. Any name suggestions?

6: hat head (she needs a name)

I finished hat head today, with a lot of help from my young sons. She is all sealed now and ready to model. Any name suggestions?

4 & 5: hats

I found three plain black felt hats on the clearance rack at an Urban Outfitters. I have embellished two of them for things number 4 and 5. Maybe the third hat will be number 6. Number 4 has wool flowers:

4 & 5: hats

I found three plain black felt hats on the clearance rack at an Urban Outfitters. I have embellished two of them for things number 4 and 5. Maybe the third hat will be number 6. Number 4 has wool flowers:

3: buttons and belt

I completed another repair and upcycle of a vintage suede women’s jacket. It was missing many of its original leather-covered buttons, and those that remained were quite damaged. In addition, the jacket had belt loops but no belt. I used

3: buttons and belt

I completed another repair and upcycle of a vintage suede women’s jacket. It was missing many of its original leather-covered buttons, and those that remained were quite damaged. In addition, the jacket had belt loops but no belt. I used

3: Godzilla babies hatching

My sons made the papier mâché Godzilla eggs last year, and the eggs have taken a beating since. I have been working on the nest since last year, using branches and leftover fabrics. Today, I broke the eggs to free

3: Godzilla babies hatching

My sons made the papier mâché Godzilla eggs last year, and the eggs have taken a beating since. I have been working on the nest since last year, using branches and leftover fabrics. Today, I broke the eggs to free

2: cuffs

I found this secondhand jacket for a friend months ago, and I promised her a sleeve embellishment, some sort of fabulous cuff. Here is the burgundy (purple?) velvet jacket with added cuffs, in the same 1960s barkcloth as the belt

2: cuffs

I found this secondhand jacket for a friend months ago, and I promised her a sleeve embellishment, some sort of fabulous cuff. Here is the burgundy (purple?) velvet jacket with added cuffs, in the same 1960s barkcloth as the belt

1: repair, belt, button

This gorgeous black leather trench coat needed many repairs, a new belt and better buttons.  Today, I did it all. The belt is made from 1960s barkcloth.

1: repair, belt, button

This gorgeous black leather trench coat needed many repairs, a new belt and better buttons.  Today, I did it all. The belt is made from 1960s barkcloth.