Author Archives: penelopespiderworks

Day Seven

Today was a tidy up the studio, make glaze and dunk pots in random buckets of glaze kind of day. This bowl was glazed to match these cups that I made previously. I managed to get a few things decorated,

Day Seven

Today was a tidy up the studio, make glaze and dunk pots in random buckets of glaze kind of day. This bowl was glazed to match these cups that I made previously. I managed to get a few things decorated,

Day Five Daisy Bowl

today was hectic with family stuff, so I only had a chance to spend a few minutes on my thing.. so I chose to decorate another bowl I have had kicking around the studio. It will be a nice soft

Day Five Daisy Bowl

today was hectic with family stuff, so I only had a chance to spend a few minutes on my thing.. so I chose to decorate another bowl I have had kicking around the studio. It will be a nice soft

Day3, and 4 hand spun Quiviut

I spent yesterday and today spinning on the drop spindle, I am working on a much bigger project that I will be posting on throughout the month, but my last two days have been spent doing the brain work for

Day3, and 4 hand spun Quiviut

I spent yesterday and today spinning on the drop spindle, I am working on a much bigger project that I will be posting on throughout the month, but my last two days have been spent doing the brain work for

Thing Aday: Day two , Porcelain Yarn Bowl

This bowl was thrown on the wheel, and carved by hand. I have painted the spirals and dots with a black underglaze, and the bowl will be dipped in a clear gloss glaze, and fired again.

Thing Aday: Day two , Porcelain Yarn Bowl

This bowl was thrown on the wheel, and carved by hand. I have painted the spirals and dots with a black underglaze, and the bowl will be dipped in a clear gloss glaze, and fired again.