Author Archives: wreninblueskies

The Formal End of T-A-D: Basil Toast

For those of you who don’t know, I am going to Las Vegas tomorrow! My brothers are taking me as a graduation present.  I am beyond thrilled — and I am NOT going to bring a to-do list with me. This

The Formal End of T-A-D: Basil Toast

For those of you who don’t know, I am going to Las Vegas tomorrow! My brothers are taking me as a graduation present.  I am beyond thrilled — and I am NOT going to bring a to-do list with me. This

T-A-D 23: Hair Things for Lily :)

Just some cuteness for good friend Ian’s daughter. :) I originally planned to make some goodies using the bobby pins and clips that I have, but then I realized that they were much too sharp and harsh for a little

T-A-D 23: Hair Things for Lily :)

Just some cuteness for good friend Ian’s daughter. :) I originally planned to make some goodies using the bobby pins and clips that I have, but then I realized that they were much too sharp and harsh for a little

T-A-D 22: “Biggest Loser” Pancakes

Because I work late today, this morning I followed a “Biggest Loser” pancake recipe. These pancakes were made with egg whites, cottage cheese, and oats, all entertainingly whirled in a blender. Yum. The only problem I had was that we lacked

T-A-D 22: “Biggest Loser” Pancakes

Because I work late today, this morning I followed a “Biggest Loser” pancake recipe. These pancakes were made with egg whites, cottage cheese, and oats, all entertainingly whirled in a blender. Yum. The only problem I had was that we lacked

T-A-D 21: Rockstar Headband

Today sucked. I tried to give up on T-A-D. But then my awesome roommate knocked on my door with a mug of fenugreek tea, listened to my worrying about the future, and somehow got me to pull out some art

T-A-D 21: Rockstar Headband

Today sucked. I tried to give up on T-A-D. But then my awesome roommate knocked on my door with a mug of fenugreek tea, listened to my worrying about the future, and somehow got me to pull out some art

T-A-D 20: Earrings and a Dopey Box

Today I tried to Mod Podge a small travel-sized Q-tip box and failed miserably. I don’t know what my problem is, but I suck at Mod Podge! I always make a big mess, tear the paper, can’t get it to

T-A-D 20: Earrings and a Dopey Box

Today I tried to Mod Podge a small travel-sized Q-tip box and failed miserably. I don’t know what my problem is, but I suck at Mod Podge! I always make a big mess, tear the paper, can’t get it to

T-A-D 19: Tinkerer’s Steampunk Bib

Things I love: steampunk, asymmetry, lace, keys, pheasant feathers, watch parts, gears, tassels, ribbons, contrasting textures, the smell of leather, interesting flowers. Things involved in this project: all of the above. This project was brought to you Hot Glue and

T-A-D 19: Tinkerer’s Steampunk Bib

Things I love: steampunk, asymmetry, lace, keys, pheasant feathers, watch parts, gears, tassels, ribbons, contrasting textures, the smell of leather, interesting flowers. Things involved in this project: all of the above. This project was brought to you Hot Glue and

T-A-D 18: Spring Jubilee Necklace

Hands down my favorite Thing-A-Day so far. A rare piece of jewelry I actually want to keep for myself! I like this partly because of the struggle (I seriously spent two hours searching for inspiration and rifling through my craft

T-A-D 18: Spring Jubilee Necklace

Hands down my favorite Thing-A-Day so far. A rare piece of jewelry I actually want to keep for myself! I like this partly because of the struggle (I seriously spent two hours searching for inspiration and rifling through my craft

T-A-D 17: Magnets

Because somehow I didn’t own any interesting magnets. The buttons here are scrap booking supplies; the  cake is random I made while living in Japan. It was part of a kit of tiny felt desserts (there’s a fruit cake slice

T-A-D 17: Magnets

Because somehow I didn’t own any interesting magnets. The buttons here are scrap booking supplies; the  cake is random I made while living in Japan. It was part of a kit of tiny felt desserts (there’s a fruit cake slice

T-A-D 14, 15, & 16: Apron

The last few days I’ve been working on making an apron out of some scrap fabric. I’d used this fabric to make an oven mitt last year and had no idea what to do with the remainder… until I pulled

T-A-D 14, 15, & 16: Apron

The last few days I’ve been working on making an apron out of some scrap fabric. I’d used this fabric to make an oven mitt last year and had no idea what to do with the remainder… until I pulled

T-A-D 13: Super Kawaii Pillow!

Do you ever have one of those days when you desperately need to be cheered up? Well, that was me yesterday, and I was tired and uninspired in the craft store. Then I glimpsed this ridiculous fabric and couldn’t help

T-A-D 13: Super Kawaii Pillow!

Do you ever have one of those days when you desperately need to be cheered up? Well, that was me yesterday, and I was tired and uninspired in the craft store. Then I glimpsed this ridiculous fabric and couldn’t help

T-A-D 12: Decorated Thumbtacks

In Japan, cute office supplies are a big deal. I bought a pair of flower thumbtacks before I left so I could spruce up my inspiration board, only to realize that 5 was about 25 too few. Sadly, I could

T-A-D 12: Decorated Thumbtacks

In Japan, cute office supplies are a big deal. I bought a pair of flower thumbtacks before I left so I could spruce up my inspiration board, only to realize that 5 was about 25 too few. Sadly, I could

T-A-D 11: Dark Lace Earrings

On day 10 I started another pair of lace earrings. Even though they are ridiculously simple, I didn’t actually finish them until today because I kept on adding and subtracting details. In the end, I liked them plain. I also

T-A-D 11: Dark Lace Earrings

On day 10 I started another pair of lace earrings. Even though they are ridiculously simple, I didn’t actually finish them until today because I kept on adding and subtracting details. In the end, I liked them plain. I also

T-A-D 10: DIY Anthropologie Earrings

You know how I am wildly in love with the aesthetic of Anthropologie? No? Well, you’d better take note. My birthday’s in 9 months and 5 days. Anyway, while searching for inspiration I came across a cute pair of earrings

T-A-D 10: DIY Anthropologie Earrings

You know how I am wildly in love with the aesthetic of Anthropologie? No? Well, you’d better take note. My birthday’s in 9 months and 5 days. Anyway, while searching for inspiration I came across a cute pair of earrings

T-A-D- 8 and 9: Painted Porcelain!

Posting catch-up time! On days 8, 9, and 12 (my paint marker broke and it caused a Situation), I tried my hand at painting on porcelain. I’d actually meant to do this four months ago — I’d already bought some

T-A-D- 8 and 9: Painted Porcelain!

Posting catch-up time! On days 8, 9, and 12 (my paint marker broke and it caused a Situation), I tried my hand at painting on porcelain. I’d actually meant to do this four months ago — I’d already bought some

T-A-D Catch-up at Last!

Hello, friends and family. I have come back to life! I am going to start posting catch-up of the projects I worked on while I was away. And by “away,” I mean sick and way too overwhelmed by life to

T-A-D Catch-up at Last!

Hello, friends and family. I have come back to life! I am going to start posting catch-up of the projects I worked on while I was away. And by “away,” I mean sick and way too overwhelmed by life to

T-A-D 7 Part 1: Gothic Valentine Choker

This T-A-D comes with a story. Read after cut:

T-A-D 7 Part 1: Gothic Valentine Choker

This T-A-D comes with a story. Read after cut:

T-A-D 6: Salmon Cakes and Dubious Accoutrements

Alright. So today I was very tired. I’ve been sick recently, and I had a killer workout with a personal trainer this morning. That’s why half-way through jewelry-parts shopping I totally gave up and got groceries instead, planning to recreate something

T-A-D 6: Salmon Cakes and Dubious Accoutrements

Alright. So today I was very tired. I’ve been sick recently, and I had a killer workout with a personal trainer this morning. That’s why half-way through jewelry-parts shopping I totally gave up and got groceries instead, planning to recreate something

T-A-D 5: A Textile Brooch and Bonus Earmuffs

Anyone remember the girly, Mori Girl-inspired brooch I made for T-A-D last year? Well, selling it was so bittersweet (so exciting to sell it! But I loved looking at it!) that I decided to try my hand at another, smaller

T-A-D 5: A Textile Brooch and Bonus Earmuffs

Anyone remember the girly, Mori Girl-inspired brooch I made for T-A-D last year? Well, selling it was so bittersweet (so exciting to sell it! But I loved looking at it!) that I decided to try my hand at another, smaller

T-A-D 4 is in the works

My fourth T-A-D is something written. It’s private and will not be shared here, but I will give it to some designated folks. I’m not going to finish it tonight — it’s long and thoughtful! — but rest assure I’ve

T-A-D 4 is in the works

My fourth T-A-D is something written. It’s private and will not be shared here, but I will give it to some designated folks. I’m not going to finish it tonight — it’s long and thoughtful! — but rest assure I’ve

T-A-D 3: Kale and Sausage Soup

Mmmm! T-A-D 3 was food! Although grocery shopping the night before the blizzard was insane I am glad that I persevered, as this warm and hearty dish was the perfect thing to eat for dinner while watching the snow. I will definitely be

T-A-D 3: Kale and Sausage Soup

Mmmm! T-A-D 3 was food! Although grocery shopping the night before the blizzard was insane I am glad that I persevered, as this warm and hearty dish was the perfect thing to eat for dinner while watching the snow. I will definitely be

T-A-D 2: Lace Earrings!

Today’s T-A-D is lace earrings. I finally got around to making them! I actually purchased some lace upholstery trim ages ago for this purpose, but it was only today that I figured out exactly what I wanted to do with it.

T-A-D 2: Lace Earrings!

Today’s T-A-D is lace earrings. I finally got around to making them! I actually purchased some lace upholstery trim ages ago for this purpose, but it was only today that I figured out exactly what I wanted to do with it.

T-A-D 1: Happy Clients = Happy Me!

Why did this have to me by first T-A-D?  I just set the cheap and cheerful bar way too high for myself! ;___; This little guy is bursting with personality… Details:  This was a last-minute commission by an Etsy client who needed

T-A-D 1: Happy Clients = Happy Me!

Why did this have to me by first T-A-D?  I just set the cheap and cheerful bar way too high for myself! ;___; This little guy is bursting with personality… Details:  This was a last-minute commission by an Etsy client who needed